Jai Shri Ram

I was preparing for a major life enhacing surgery, or so it was for me on January 22nd, the same day as the Ram Mandir inauguration in Ayodhya. A monumental day for Hindu far rights, and not to deny the mammoth tourist value for Uttar Pradesh and India. Like Mecca for Muslims. Please don’t getContinue reading “Jai Shri Ram”

This past weekend!

It is not easy being working professional. Especially when one plays multiple roles in life. Whether be a parent or caretaker. Many times there are not enough hours in a day for self-love or to invest in personal development. And, in times where we are surrounded by toxicity (positive and negative), or are reacting toContinue reading “This past weekend!”

Occasional (In)Equality

On my recent trip to Hyderabad, I had experiences probably very unique to the general perception. As a result of which, I felt a certain way. These feelings are neither positive nor negative but very matter of fact on how it was for me. Not for anyone else. So any preachings about me looking atContinue reading “Occasional (In)Equality”


This was the moment I managed to smile after many days. I was tired from the 12-day Hyderabad trip, slightly defeated but proud of myself for accomplishing the impossible, even though I was only able to do the most critical tasks, met very few, didn’t eat at home at all, and had the most hecticContinue reading “Utopia”

Where it started….

After nearly two decades, I had the chance to visit the place where my life story started. Up until then, my focus was on the hardships we faced, the open drains I had to cross while going to school, or how the street dogs would come after me at dark, and how I was floggedContinue reading “Where it started….”

Mera Bharat – Day 1 Note

What a humbling experience it has been traveling for pleasure this time after 21 years; 13+ if I were to count the week in between when my only job was to attend to my father in the hospital and help Amma. Ram and Amma were nearly petrified on how I would re-adapt but I stunnedContinue reading “Mera Bharat – Day 1 Note”

True Celebrities

I had to share. I had to remind myself and those that I am surrounded with. I had to reiterate to all those I look up to. I just had to. This particular experience of mine dealing with those who call themselves celebrities is worth a satirical propound. And this is a first hand depictionContinue reading “True Celebrities”

Finding Humanity thru’ Dance

“Dancing faces you to heaven whichever direction you turn.” And the last one month has felt like transcendence. My newfound appreciation for Bharatanatyam, Odissi and Kuchipudi, their esteemed gurus, the stage debutantes, their parents, support system is beyond comparison to any recent experiences I’ve had. It feels like I’ve achieved nirvana! Starting with Shristi SchoolContinue reading “Finding Humanity thru’ Dance”

Overcoming Inadequacies

I never felt this complete before. There are so many indequacies I’ve overcome this year although it’s not even three months since new year. It took me to overcome intrinsic, personal, unconscious biases that I harbored and the boundaries in my mind. My struggle with infertility and the state of mind it often leads toContinue reading “Overcoming Inadequacies”

In Your Dreams

In your dreams they said…That you’ll survive the competitionWhile I subtly conquered it allFinding strength in my mission In your dreams they said…You’d muster courage to live freeWhen I gushed valor and worthIt was quite a sight to see In your dreams they said…Anyone would truly ever careBut it wasn’t what they thoughtBecause mine wereContinue reading “In Your Dreams”