
In shadows cast by hopes unseen,A struggle fierce, a quiet dream,Barreness touch, a silent pain,A battle fought, tears fall like rain. Yet strength resides in hearts so brave,Facing challenges, never to cave,A journey arduous, but love endures,Through trials and tests, hope reassures. Each step forward, a courageous stand,Hand in hand, we’ll hold and understand,In theContinue reading “Barreness”


“Are you crazy?!?” This was what many of my mentors said when I wanted to find my next gig in IT Production Support / Operations about 5 years ago. I didn’t know where, but I was ready to explore and discover my passion. Not that I wasn’t good at what I was doing then, butContinue reading “Passion”

Being a Manager isn’t easy

Being a manager is not easy. and I’m not saying this because I am one. But mad respect for all the managers who successfully build and lead teams. Some days we don’t know which personality of the team members we have to face that day. It is both fun and scary at the same timeContinue reading “Being a Manager isn’t easy”

From Disaster to Power

When I first became a manager I had an insatiable urge to be liked by everyone. I was a “Yes” person and struggled to integrate the morale of my teams with the “results oriented” demand. The workplace was becoming hard to manage and I felt like a disaster. My manager then (and now), and mentorsContinue reading “From Disaster to Power”

Say ‘NO’ to Celebrities

I am very fortunate to have served on cultural organizations here. Considering I’ve been away from India for vastly more years, there is definitely a noticeable disconnect in my mannerisms. Simple courtesies that I was taught especially for celebrities seemed to have vanished. I mention celebrities in terms of those that are associated with actingContinue reading “Say ‘NO’ to Celebrities”

Third Grader

A third grader was perched on top of a table so she cannot get down unless someone helped her. Somehow it seemed like a set up similar to an interrogation room. There were three adult men in their late twenties to mid thirties that took on this little child probably with intent to ‘catechize’. IfContinue reading “Third Grader”

EWF Podcast

Yup, that’s me. Thanks to Executive Women’s Forum on Information Security, Risk Management & Privacy for the opportunity to feature in the NextExecPodcast, “A Day in the Life.” In this episode, Katie Margraf, Vice President of Information Security at Citi, hosted me for a candid conversation about my aspirations to be a journalist, my careerContinue reading “EWF Podcast”


When I started creating content for social media, publication or speaking events, I never thought anyone would be interested in reading my posts, my blog or hearing my voice. I was worried that I might not have anything new to say and was tensed about being just another.. But never through this journey I thoughtContinue reading “1 MILLION!!”

Imperfect Leadership

I am not a perfect leader or manager. Neither do I aim to achieve any sort of perfection. What I aim is to go through my work day with common sense, some logical balancing act between empathy and urgency, expressing in a straight forward manner when deadlines are about to be missed, when SLA’s areContinue reading “Imperfect Leadership”

Repost from LinkedIn: ATA Introspection

My objective in life, is to serve. Many may feel this is cliched but I am because of the countless people who did exactly that – to be of use to community and people like me that needed help. When I got such a chance at the 17th American Telugu Association Convention and Youth ConferenceContinue reading “Repost from LinkedIn: ATA Introspection”