Marrying The Wrong Guy

I may not have married “The right” guy. But I surely dodged several bullets in pursuit of what I thought at that time was the right guy. After ages of not making the so-called right choices and being utterly stupid with relationships, the whole arranged marriageĀ  undertaking was a comedy of errors. Since I’m takingContinue reading “Marrying The Wrong Guy”

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

“In shadows cast by doubt and fear, Imposter syndrome’s voice draws near But deep within, strength starts to grow, A resilience that begins to show. Through trials faced and challenges met, I rise above, I won’t forget, That I am more than self-doubt’s scheme, A diamond born from pressure’s gleam. With every step, I claimContinue reading “Overcoming Imposter Syndrome”

I chose to be me!

I read somewhere that the girls who had the messiest time growing up are now healing the planet. And, I celebrate the unexpected goodness that came out of that trauma. It is true that some, like me who evolved from crisis, may have nothing left for anyone to sympathize or preach except to accept theContinue reading “I chose to be me!”


This was the moment I managed to smile after many days. I was tired from the 12-day Hyderabad trip, slightly defeated but proud of myself for accomplishing the impossible, even though I was only able to do the most critical tasks, met very few, didn’t eat at home at all, and had the most hecticContinue reading “Utopia”

Where it started….

After nearly two decades, I had the chance to visit the place where my life story started. Up until then, my focus was on the hardships we faced, the open drains I had to cross while going to school, or how the street dogs would come after me at dark, and how I was floggedContinue reading “Where it started….”


Writing is cheaper than therapy and who else but me to validate time and again. But then, there are perceptions that always plague my writings. And many who have enlightened themselves or have been protected that they perhaps wouldn’t understand why I put my words on paper. Even though I come from a highly educatedContinue reading “‘Baniyan’”

Adieu 2022

At every end of year for many years now, I’ve been posting my accomplishments, high points, how I beat odds and so many things I am generally proud of. On one side I experienced most success in my professional and media life but on the other side I lost so many dear ones that IContinue reading “Adieu 2022”

In Between Life and Death

“Don’t be ridiculous. You grew up in India,” which is truly a loose translation that I should never complain about allergies. Most of my Desi paisans and few more have found utmost hilarity in my allergies, most recent being allergy induced laryngitis and Blepharitis. Well, it is funny when you are able to sneeze forContinue reading “In Between Life and Death”