The Power Of Prayers

In the solitude of my soul
I find a serenity so deep,
The power of prayers
And the untold they keep
The whispers to the universe
In moments of despair
In my darkest times
For the burden I bear.

These appeals are like rain
Falling gently on my life
Like a soothing balm
To heal my worries
To light my path ahead
When shadows mull
Through tough times
As beacons to my soul.

Prayers said for me
Are bridges to the heavens
Connecting my present
In an outpour of sincerity
Giving me strength and solace
For the trials I face
Echoing in my heart
That they will keep me safe

With that kindness
I’ve woven a tapestry
A testament to faith
In this life’s grand mystery
For in the force of their intent
I found the grit to cope
The power of your prayers
Is my infinity of hope.

Published by Quotidian Blessing

InfoSec Director|WIT Mentor-Protege Vice Chair|ATA Convention Women's Forum Chair|Published Poet

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