How can I?

How can I tell you not to
When I was head over heels
That it might break you
And you’ll care how it feels

How can I tell you not to
When it almost is just right
That it may not be as true
And you’ll struggle and fight

How can I tell you not to
When it is your fairy tale
That it won’t be as new
And you’ll become stale

How can I tell you not to
When there are dreams
That it will make you blue
And you’ll be left with streams

How can I tell you not to
When I had made good life
That it was not what I knew
And you’ll be left in strife

How can I tell you not to
When I could dwell in hope
That it’s parting has no due
And you’ll go down slippy slope

How can I tell you not to
When I had been happy once
That it is like a sweet clue
And you’ll wish for a chance

Published by Quotidian Blessing

InfoSec Director|WIT Mentor-Protege Vice Chair|ATA Convention Women's Forum Chair|Published Poet

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